Friday, April 15, 2011

It was the best of weeks, it was the worst of weeks...

Two major accomplishments for the week:

1. I tracked every single day! - and I mean I REALLY tracked, that is I logged in every piece of food and drink that went into my mouth - so some days look really good (on target) and some days don't (60 pointer days!). But you know what, at least it's real - because I'd only be fooling myself otherwise!

My second major accomplishment is:
2. I exercised every day - Total achievement!!!  This really is a huge feat for me seeing as for the last two months or so I haven't done anything, neither tracking or moving my body, consistently!  Consistency is the key to losing a large amount of weight, I have 36kg to lose - So yay for me!!!  I'm off to a great start!

Monday 11/04/11 - I did my Winsor Pilates DVD (one of a few exercise DVDs that haven't seen the light of day for a good 12 months or so!!) - It was a fabulous toning 20 minute workout on the floor in the lounge - quite an undertaking when you've got a two year old child climbing all over you at the same time!
This is DVD I have and it's great - that sculpting circle is the business!

Tuesday 12/04/11- I enjoyed a really lovely lunch with one of my good friends at my most favourite Korean cafe in town.  My favourite dish is soon dubu - a really spicy tofu stew that's served with kim chi, omelette and steamed rice.  Delicious!  What's even more great about it is that it only comes to a grand total of 8 WW points!  Awesome!  After our yummy scrummy lunch we conquered the Memorial stairs on the way back to the office. I also went to Zumba which was fabulous and such a great workout!

Wisely and slow, they stumble that run fast, take a rest - Some great wall art at Auri Korean Cafe, Whanganui 
The majestic Sargeant Gallery

Second lot of steps to the Memorial Obelisk in Queens Park, Whanganui

Wednesday 13/04/11
-  I binged real bad! which I blogged about but I managed to bounce back.  My daughter and I went for a really long walk - she brought her scooter and had heaps of fun - I was really happy that I didn't just keep on sliding!  What's really great is that my girl is completely hooked now on going for big scooter/walks with mama - what better motivation that a nagging child!?!?!

Dusk in Whanganui 

Thursday 14/04/11 - a quick blast up the hill at lunchtime and then Zumba that night!  Did I mention how much I love Zumba?

My fabulous and inspiring Zumba Instructors!!

My foot - stepping it out at lunchtime!
Friday 15/04/11 - another big walk around our suburb with my daughter.

My girl scootering as I walk - the best support person!!!

I earned a total of 25 Activity Points which I'm completely stoked about!  And that was just the week days!!

My daughter and I have heaps of cool activities (and exercise) planned for this weekend.  
We went roller-skating - like good ole fashioned roller skating!  It was great.  It's that kind of activity that you just lose track of the time and everything because you're having such great fun.  That and the fact that you're concentrating so hard on staying up right!  Great for the abs, bums and thighs!!!!

After we left the roller skating rink, we went up to Durie Hill and walked up the Durie Hill Memorial Tower - 176 steps!!!

I thought my daughter would be had it at that stage, but as we drove into our street I heard the words "Mama, can we go for another big scooter/walk?"  I jumped at the opportunity to get in some more exercise.  I also want to encourage her and be a good role model, so I agreed and we did our big 60 minute walk again!

The great thing about walking is that you see so much more than you do when you're driving!  Here's a few images of some great things we spotted whilst out on our roam..

Whanganui Rock n Roll club (Zumba Venue)

We found this really cool bus chair randomly placed outside an old shop

 This week I managed to spend some time planning out some activity goals for myself.  I've got some awesome walking/running/biking events planned out - one for each month of the year (although I'm still looking for an event in November)
  1. May - Round the Bridges Fun Run in Whanganui
  2. June - Wellington Marathon - 10km
  3. July -  Rangitikei Duathlon series 1
  4. August - Rangitikei Duathlon series 2
  5. September  - Rangitikei Duathlon series 3
  6. October - Auckland Marathon
  7. November - TBC
  8. December - Three Bridges Event - Whanganui 
If you wanna check out the events for yourself, you can click on the links in my side bar ---->

So all in all - I had a great week - I'm really looking forward to weigh in day because I'd like to see if these major changes I've made have any effect.  If worse case scenario happens and I've gained weight, I just need to reset Control/Alt/Delete and not let myself fall down that slippery slope!

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