Thursday, April 21, 2011

An awesome week in the making!

Hey everybody!  It's not actually the end of the week but this week has been so fabulous and it's a long weekend starting today so I thought I would just go ahead and do my weekly update blog.

Major achievements for the week:

1.  I have tracked every day - and I have managed to stay within my Pro Points allowance 2 out of the 4 days so far!  Whilst this not be a major achievement to most people, this is a major for me!  The old me would overeat every, single day - so I'm patting myself on the back for what I have done this week!

I get a kick out of getting the tick!

2.  I have exercised every single day - I actually really get a kick out of getting those three little ticks at the top of my "Your Plan" page on WW online - and I make sure that I do at least 20 minutes exercise in order to earn my activity tick :)

I am getting ALOT of inspiration from *Bitchcakes*  - She's just amazing!  Every time I feel like gorging out on bad food I just need to jump on line and read either her latest prose or I'll roam through her archives.  After reading her super inspiring words I feel super motivated to stay on track!  (and stay away from the chocolate biscuits!)  Thank you Bitchcakes - you are the WOMAN!

Monday 18/4/11 - I knew that I wouldn't be able to go for a long walk tonight, because my partner is out on Monday nights and I've got to take care of Mr 2 so I did a quick 20 minute walk up town during my lunch break and managed to earn 2 activity points!

Tuesday 19/4/11 - Again I walked up town, had my fav korean dish for lunch (Soon Dubu) and then walked the memorial steps - later on that night my daughter and I did ZUMBA!
My darling getting her Zumba groove on
Not my best photo, but you can see the Zumba signs in the background
Wednesday 20/4/11 A walk up town via a steep hill and the memorial steps  - that night my girl and I did our big 60 minute walk, but this time we walked over two bridges!

This is on our way over the Railway Bridge - a first for us together!
Here's some over photos I snapped on our walk:

Thursday 21/4/11 - One of my favourite days of the week because it means ZUMBA, ZUMBA, ZUMBA!!!  My girl was just amazing and did the majority of the session!  She really worked up a sweat and I was so proud of her for her coordination and cutie-pieness!

Today is Good Friday in NZ (I would assume the world?) and it's a Public Holiday - a paid day off work - yus!.  I'm planning on doing a big walk today, and will probably need to go by myself because I don't think my daughter will be able to handle it.  It will cover the four bridges of the Whanganui River and is approximately 11 kilometres long (6.8 miles)

It's all part of my training plan because I'm training for a half marathon at the end of this year.  The Adidas Auckland Marathon!  There's a few things that are especially special and exciting about this event, and here they are:
  1. It will be my first half marathon
  2. I will get to walk over the Auckland Harbour Bridge!
  3. My Dad and I will be walking it together!!!!
  4. It's on my Dad's 66th birthday!
Very exciting stuff!  I need to be in great physical condition for this because it's primarily a running event and just judging from their information on line it doesn't sound like they'll have a whole lot of patience for slow-bo walkers.  So it's my goal to do this in really good time!

Well my friends, wish me the best - I'm going to go and put my walking shoes on right now!

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