Sunday, April 10, 2011

0.2kgs but it's better than nothing!

Mondays are my weigh in days, and today is Monday.  So despite being really unenthusiastic about it all, and imagining the worse, I managed to drag the scales out from under my bathroom cabinet and get on them...

What were only a few seconds seemed like hours, but eventually the dancing lines turned into numbers and they declared that I had lost a grand total of 200grams.

Now I'm pretty happy about this and I'll tell you why.

1.  Any loss, (when related to weight) anything at all is better than a gain
2.  Each and every day this week I tracked, however I was always over my points allowance
3.  I kinda resembled a glutenous pig!

so taking all three of those factors into consideration, I'm pretty darn stoked!

I also see this as a kind of second chance - a bit of a "come on!"  to get my butt into gear and start eating and exercising properly.  I imagine that if I had gained weight over these past couple of weeks, I would have definitely jumped off the wagon, rolls and all and just given up at the first weigh in.

So thank you universe!  I promise to be a good eater girl! 

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