Sunday, May 22, 2011

A week in the life of...

Hey everybody!

So I do these weekly summaries of my life just really to keep myself accountable and to remind myself of the things I do (and don't do!) Here's my summary of the week:

Monday 9 May 2011 - Sunday 15 May 2011

Biggest achievements of the week:

1. Not inhaling all of the free food at a conference I went to!
2. Ensuring that I exercised every day, even though I was away from home!

Monday 9 May 2011 - I had to get up really ridiculously early (5am) so that I could get to a Ministerial meeting in Wellington at 9ish - I knew that I probably wouldn't be able to fit any of my normal exercise in, so I made sure that I parked the car far enough away from the venue so that I could score a couple of incidental activity points (Much to the dismay of my co-travellers) 

This is me, dressed and ready for my Ministerial meeting in Wellington
Yes - that is the actual time I left the house!

Stopping in Otaki for coffee...

Yumbo!  Kaitaia Fire Tabasco Sauce on chips!  Yus!

Random TVNZ crew interviewing people on the street

The Beehive

Styley public sculpture

Funky Bike, Dude!

Ahhh yeah!

Love this architecture!  Pity it's a court house!

Love this building too - Te Puni Kokiri - Lambton Quay

Love, love, love!

Another beautiful building 

I made it back in time to get back to WI (even though I was really late and the chicky had already started to pack everything up) I gained 500grams - but whatevs! I didn't let that get me down at all, because I knew that I feel better than I have felt for so long!

Tuesday 10 May 2011 - I was flying up to Auckland that night and knew I couldn't get to my regular 5.45pm Zumba class, so I went and checked out a lunch time session right next to my work - and I am so stoked to say that it was AWESOME!!! Really high impact and I got an amazing workout.

An amazing view of Mt Taranaki from the plane

Me and Nika on our laptops!!!

Wednesday 11 May 2011 - I stayed out at Henderson so that I could catch up with one of my besties, and the conference that I was going to was right in the city, so I caught the train into town and walked from the train station to Sky City and earned 3 activity points! I also repeated this on my way back to my friends place. Incidental exercise rocks!!

As mentioned earlier I did really well and didn't eat everything in sight! And what's even cooler is that I didn't even want to! Whoop whoop!

The ceiling at Britomart, Central City Auckland where all trains lead to!

My old workplace!

A beautiful remnant of early 1900's Auckland

Skycity in the mist

A very cool presentation!

Water, water, everywhere and lots of drops to drink!

A perfect combination pudding.  Creme Brulee with gingerbread, chocolate brownie and berry coulis


BNZ on Queens Street 

Thursday 12 May 2011 - I had the morning to myself so I went on a fast paced 5km walk around West Auckland. Later that day I visited another Maori Health provider and got some fabulous ideas for our organisation. I'm just mentioning this because a few months ago I wouldn't have had the confidence to go and meet with a new group of people all by myself! This weight loss journey I am on has definitely had more benefits than I could have ever imagined!

Te Whanau o Waipareira - awesome!

Friday 13 May 2011 - I got up super early and went for a 5km walk around my neighbourhood before work.

Saturday 14th May 2011 - I went and had the most divine pedicure (My poor feet really deserved it!) Then we checked out the Market and then took the kids to the pool for a birthday party. That birthday party turned into the L.O.N.G.E.S.T party ever and I left it at about 6.30pm with the grumpiest children ever!!! Needless to say I did not exercise and I completely overate at the party!

Sunday 15th May 2011 - my official rest day - luckily because I felt like absolute crap! I put it down to the fact that I ate really badly the day before and didn't do any exercise.

It's true that if you eat junk you just feel gross for it! I wouldn't have noticed this before because I was in a constant state of "Bluck-ness" always running on 70%. The last few weeks I definately noticed that I feel much more fitter, happier and have a general sense of wellbeing so having a BBBD (big bad binge day) really affected me - and I'm glad because it made me realise that it's just not worth it!

I am really enjoying this journey that I am on and the lessons that I'm learning about my body, my mind, my spirit and my family - it's all interconnected and if one part of it is out, the rest of it is affected.

So here's to another week of resetting, staying on the wagon and continuously striving to be my most awesome me!

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