Sunday, May 22, 2011

A week in the life of...

Hey everybody! I hope you've all had a great week!

2 May 2011 - 8 May 2011

Major accomplishments for the week:

1. Again - tracking every day! For someone who was online for 3 years and would track maybe 3 days a week at my best and wouldn't track for 3 months at my worst, this is a super achievement.

2. Losing 1.1kg in 5 days! (I attended my first WW meeting last Thursday and had to go to the Monday meeting because I was at my Masters class on Thursday)

3. Moving my body - lots!

Monday 2 May 2011 - My WW friend Liz and my work mate Mae went for a lunchtime aqua jogging session - however it turned into a aqua sprinting session with Mae and I racing each other up the pool. By the end of our 40 minute session we were doing a lap in under 30 seconds, resting for 10 seconds and then racing back in under 30 seconds. It was heaps of fun too!!!

Tuesday 3 May 2011 - I went to my regular Tuesday Zumba class and had an absolute blast! The instructor announced that they now have a facebook page and would be taking photos of us for their page - needless to say I was worried about what I'd look like in said photos - however I'm happy to report that the one photo I am in on their page is actually quite amazing!

Wednesday 4 May 2011 - I walked up town to get a healthy lunch of sushi and earned two activity points for my troubles. I didn't manage to get to Yoga - I think there's a bit of a mental block there or something???

Thursday 5 May 2011 - I was at my Masters class in Otaki and it was pouring - so I didn't get in my walk at lunch time as I had planned. However I went and picked up my awesome bike later that night and rode it around the block (earlier blog) I earned a couple of activity points for that and thoroughly enjoyed myself!!!

Friday 6 May 2011 - still on a major high because of my new bike, I woke up super early, got super organised, and then took my daughter outside so that she could watch her crazy mother ride around the background laughing and cackling like a witchy! She thought I was pretty awesome though and took some photos of me :)

Saturday 7 May 2011 - A house cleaning marathon followed by a rollerskating jam! My girl and I spent 2 hours on our skates - and I even packed a healthy lunch of wholemeal pita pocket sandwiches, fruit, low fat yoghurt and water - which both she and I really enjoyed! Normally we would inhale the chocolate bars and chips that they sell there. Now that's progress!

Sunday 8 May 2011 - I am completing my first walking event of the year today - 10km around the bridges fun run/walk! I'm super duper excited as there's about 25 people from work all participating! I'll post a picture up later of the event. The picture above is a photo of the card that my beautiful 6 year old girl made me for Mother's Day.

Each day I am reminded that my weight loss journey is not just important for me: to feel good, to look better, to be healthier - but that it's most important for my children too! I want to be here on this earth for as long as humanly possible so that my children have me for guidance and support as they travel their journeys of life. We (as in my man and I) also need to be good role-models for them around living a healthy, balanced and fun lifestyle.

It's a huge task, with no end date, but dagnammit I'm gonna try my hardest to do it each and every day of my life!

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