Monday, May 2, 2011

A great week!

Hey everybody - this post is a bit late but better late than never!

Monday 25th April 2011 - Sunday 1 May 2011

My major achievements for the week:

1.  Exercising really regularly - it's week three and I'm feeling like exercise is certainly a part of my life now!
2.  Tracking every single day!
3.  Joining back up a WW meetings!

Monday 25th April 2011 I rode my bike to work!  In the rain!!!  I thought that it was a bit crazy to ride in the rain but I thought "Dang girl - you live in NZ and it rains all. the. time.  So what you gonna do? You gonna use a bit of water as an excuse?  Because if you do that now, you will do it for the rest of your life"  So I got on my bike and rode - 60 mins in total - in the rain! - so freaken proud of myself!!!!

Tuesday 26th April 2011 Zumba, Zumba, Zumba!

Wednesday 27th April 2011 - a little bit of walking.

Thursday 28th April 2011 - a fabulous day!  I joined back up at WW meetings.  I completely adore my leader -  very inspirational young woman!  I also made a friend - she needs to lose the same amount of weight as I do, so we buddied up and swapped phone numbers!  At the meeting I weighed in at 105.6 - a whole kilo lighter than what I weigh on the scales at home!  Another bonus of attending meetings :)

That night I went to Zumba :) and earned myself a handsome total of 16 activity points :)

Friday 29th April 2011 - Me and my new WW buddy met up at lunch time and did a fabulous 40 minute walk around our town, along the riverside and up hills and stairs.  Feeling fantastic!

Saturday and Sunday - I did really well food-wise but unfortunately I couldn't get in any exercise as I had a course all weekend.

Some other awesome parts of the week including getting asked "What are you doing, because you're looking really good!" by one of my partner's cousins.  I also had a meeting with two of our physical activity coordinators at work and was told that I was "An excellent rolemodel who is walking the talk!"  Wow what a completely awesome compliment!

Some cool things I'm looking forward to:

My first walking event of the year - the Whanganui Round the Bridges Fun run - I'm doing 10km - and I'm very, very excited!

I have exercise planned for every single day of the week.  I'm going away on Thursday, and won't be back in time for Zumba, but I'm planning on going for a big walk during my lunch break.

So I'm feeling really fabulous and motivated and want to continue to feel this way :)

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