Friday, September 23, 2011

My week in retrospect!

This week was a real mixed bag of sorts.  I had some really great highlights and some really big lowlights!

Saturday 17.09.11 - started my day off really well with a wholemeal toast, poached eggs and no butter kind of way, but I was on residence at my Masters class and just sat around all day... and they really feed us up!!  Not great on the activity front! PP: 39 AP:1

Sunday 18.09.11 - Completed the Petone Pelorus Trust half marathon.  But did my worst time ever as my beautiful cousin came with to keep me company and we ended up having such a great catch up - we lost our focus somewhat!  (Tee hee!!!) PP: 48 AP: 17
Lining up at the start line - it was a bit freaky that there was only 50 walkers!  I'm used to really big crowds and knew that I'd definitely be at the back of this pack!

Nearing the halfway point with my gorgeous cousin in the background!

The finish line in sight!  3.45 not my proudest moment :)

Just after we finished- still looking good!

On my way back to Miramar - I spotted this awesome All Blacks sign!!

Rugby World Cup Mania!

Monday 19.09.11 - Drove back from Wellington and called into Porirua for a fabulous Chinese massage.  Also picked up my awesome new running shoes that I won as a spot prize at the Rotovegas Half Marathon back in August!  Score!  I'd been away since Thursday and really missed the kidlets - so I picked my girl up from school and took her swimming - such fun!  PP: 33 AP: 4

Citron de Meringue
Tuesday 20.09.11 - Discovered (Much to my dismay) a really beautiful french patisserie and just about devoured all of my WW points in one meal!  Argh!  Self control completely exited the building!  PP: 35 AP 1

I can't remember the name of this but it was DIVINE!  

Wednesday 21.09.11 - a pretty uneventful day but still completely overate eeeeek! PP: 43 AP: 1

Thursday 22.09.11  -  My worst day on the eating front!  I didn't have breakfast, ate waaaaaay too much at lunch and then didn't eat dinner either.  Instead I went to the movies and devoured about 25 PP worth of snacks!  Shocking!  A positive side for the day is that I went for a run and my whanau came with.  PP: 63 AP: 5

Friday 23.09.11 - shared kai at work - and being that I work at a Maori organization that means that every person brings enough food to feed everyone, so we end up with enough food to feed a small country.  I did manage myself well though and although I didn't blow out a bit at lunch time I was aware of it and tried my hardest to make up for it at the end of the day. We all went out again for a walk/run together as a whanau - great stuff.   I was doing okay food-wise but then ate up the kids left overs (mindlessly too I might add) PP: 43 AP: 4

1.  Completing my third half marathon this year
2. Not overeating at night time (instead I've transferred this to lunchtimes - better but still not ideal!)
3. Starting on my running programme 
4. Going for a swim with my girl
5.  Tracking every day
6.  Exercising in a big or small way every day this week

Things I need to work on
1. Eating to my PP allowance (not too under and not too over)
2. Instead of having huge feasts at lunchtime, I intend to go for walking (Or running) lunches with my friends instead!
3. Carry on with my good work of not overeating at night time
4. Carry on tracking everything every day

I can and deserve to be a healthy weight!

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