Friday, June 3, 2011

Finally I blog!

Argh!  I realised today that I hadn't done a weekly update for last week, and it's nearly the end of this week!  My bad.

Update for week:  Monday 23 May 2011 - Sunday 29th May 2011

Major achievements for the week:
1.  Okay so this is probably why I took so long to post a blog... I don't really believe that I had any major achievements in that week.

Monday 23 May 2011 - PP 32 EP 0
After work I made sure that I sorted myself and my kids (because my partner does volunteer work on a Monday night) so that I could go swimming.  I did 20 minutes of aqua jogging and felt great.

Tuesday 24 May 2011 - PP 43 EP 0
I had a fabulous time at lunchtime Zumba - seriously, if you have never tried Zumba you really need to go and give it a go.  It is so much fun you don't know that you're burning some serious calories.  I love it so much that I went to the evening class too.  Feeling the burn!

Wednesday 25 May 2011 - PP 38 EP 0
Determined to get the most out of my gym/pool membership I got myself and my daughter all organised and into our swimsuits ready to go to the pools.  We went to drop my baby son off at his Nanna's but he was not having a bar of it!  He literally would not let me go!  So I resided myself to the fact that my son needed to be clingy to me that night and that was okay...  It was quite grounding really to just be a mama - I forget sometimes that it is my most important goal in life -To be a good mama!

Thursday 26 May 2011 - PP 65 EP 16
After a mad dash home, I got along to weigh in (stayed the same) 5.30pm and then also managed to make it to my usual Thursday night Zumba class 5.45pm - yus!

Friday 27 May 2011 - PP 95 EP 0
I was pretty full on at work so I didn't get in any exercise.  My whanau and I always celebrate Friday's by having Friday Fun Night - we pretty much eat junk food and watch DVDs.  It was great :)

Saturday 28 May 2011 - PP 42 EP 0 
I didn't know until the day that my partner was busy doing heaps of stuff all day long, so I had both of the kids.  My daughter is sweet to come along with me and exercise but my boy is at that age where he is too little to come along, and too big to sit patiently in a stroller while I do my thing.  So basically I didn't get to do anything at all.  We did manage to drive into town to do some errands but I forgot the stroller and it was just crazy!  I chased him around like a mad woman (Incidental exercise)  Then I relaxed and grabbed a coffee and some scrummy food at a fabulous new cafe in town.

Sunday 29 May 2011 - PP 38 EP 8
After analysing my points tracker for the week - I was feeling pretty crapola!  So I posted on my WW page and told my cyber-WW-friends all about it and then went for a bike ride.

I rode over to my brothers house which is about a 15 minute bike ride away.  The tyres on my bike were a bit flat so I got him to show me how to pump them up using the garage pump.  After that we went and got a bike lock from the Warehouse.

I rode my bike home from his house and then we went around and had a great dinner at my mother-in-laws.

Major learnings from the week:

I need to stop eating so much!!!  The main reason for going so far over my target is through lack of planning and personal organisation.  I tend to rush out the door in the morning, drink coffee until lunchtime, eat a reasonably healthy (bought) lunch and then I overeat well into the night.

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