Monday, July 18, 2011

My baby and me

My baby in the background

Here she is in all of her chrome glory!

Look at her sexy wheel!  W'o W'o!

Wellington Half Marathon 2011

Kia ora everybody

Well this post is beyond late, but like everybody says, it's better late than never!

As most of you who read my blog know I had set a few lofty goals at the beggining of the year around running/walking events and triathlons.

On the 10th of June my good friend Mae and I suffered some kind of loss of logic and common sense and thought that doing a half marathon without any kind of training for the two weeks prior and in freezing cold conditions would be a great idea.... 

Luckily we made it through to the end. I really enjoyed the sleet and the gail force winds, yeah that was my favourite part. Oh yeah and the bit when we both nearly got lifted off our feet... Awesome - can't wait for next year :)

So here's some photos for you all to enjoy:

Post Holiday Blues!

Kia ora everybody

There's something about holidays and weightloss and me that just don't mix! I seem to always work hard and stay focussed prior to going on holiday but once it's over I just can't seem to get back on the waka!

Last year when I planned to go to San Diego I utilised WW online and lost an amazing 17kg in 8 months! I religiously logged every morsel that went into my mouth, I stayed on target and I exercised every second day without exception.

Then when the big day rolled around I jumped on the plane and enjoyed two weeks of fun and adventures with one of my best friends in San Diego, Tijuana, Los Angeles and Las Vegas. During the holiday I expected to slip and I gave myself permission to do so - I gave myself permission to have a holiday from logging and doing WW.

However, when I returned to NZ I just couldn't get back on board and as a result I gained back around four of the 17 kilos that I had lost pre-holiday.

It wasn't until March this year that I made a concerted effort to do WW again properly and I returned to meetings. Since March I lost 5 kilos.

Every year I go to a new country and this year's country was Samoa. So again I was working towards that goal - everything was really exciting - I love to travel.

However from the moment I left my hometown everything has gone pear shaped - I've been back for the last three weeks and I haven't managed to track for a whole week. I also haven't managed to exercise consistently either! All I really want to do is sit around watching TV with any spare time that I have.

I'm glad that I am finally blogging again - this is a really good sign and I do believe that I will be able to get back on board and start losing some serious weight again soon!

My goal for this year is to weigh 96kg by the the beginning of December. 

Currently I am 104kg and Dag Nammit I am gonna do it!!!!

My big goal is 70kg and I plan to be there by the middle of 2012 if not sooner.

So my WW and weight loss friends - I need as much support as I can possibly get because I am my own worst enemy! Help me bust this plateau and yoyo dieting business once and for all!!